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Cantor Search

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An Important Message from President David Stein,

Senior Rabbi Brian Strauss, and Executive Director Andy Burger

January 7, 2021

Dear Beth Yeshurun Family,

It is with mixed emotions that we write to you. After more than eight years at Congregation Beth Yeshurun, Cantor Meir Finkelstein will be leaving us to pursue a new opportunity. We are incredibly thankful for his time with us and the numerous contributions he has made to Beth Yeshurun. Cantor Finkelstein has touched most of our lives in a special way through worship, lifecycle celebrations, counseling in troubled times, our B’nai Mitzvah program, and with his incredible music. We wish him the best and will support him as he and his family make the move to Florida. Cantor Finkelstein will remain with us through the spring.

A search committee, led by David Stein and Arthur Nathan, has been assembled and we have submitted our application with the Cantors Assembly. Our search has already drawn much interest as we will be interviewing our first candidate – Cantor Rachel Goldman of Congregation Ner Tamid in Los Angeles California, who will be visiting us January 21st and 22nd. More information will be announced soon about her visit and future visits.

As the largest Conservative synagogue in the United States, with a strong membership, staff, clergy team, and leadership, we are confident that we will find one of the best Conservative cantors in the United States. We have a rich and deep musical tradition at Beth Yeshurun and will continue that tradition for generations to come.

We look forward to our concert taking place on Thursday, March 31st celebrating the music of Cantor Meir Finkelstein. Tickets for this incomparable musical experience have been in great demand as the evening will feature renowned cantors, including Cantors Azi Schwartz, Chayim Frenkel, Netanel Hershtik, and Rachel Goldman!

Please refer to the FAQs below for more information. If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly.

David Stein, President
Brian Strauss, Senior Rabbi
Andy Burger, Executive Director

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

How are you conducting the search for a new Cantor? The search committee will be co-chaired by Dana Katz and Lori Herzog, Beth Yeshurun President. They have assembled a committee that reflects the diverse membership within our congregation. Fortunately, we also have several resources that will aid in our search, including the Cantors Assembly.

What is the process and timing for a Cantor search? The position has already been posted with the Cantors Assembly. The committee will conduct virtual first-round interviews as applications are received. After the committee has narrowed the candidate pool, candidates will be invited to Beth Yeshurun for in-person interviews, COVID conditions permitting. Online surveys will be sent to the congregation after each candidate’s visit. Your input is critical as we make this important decision as the committee will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for approval. This process may take several months, depending on the number of candidates participating in this search cycle.

How will the congregation be involved? The finalists will meet with various cohorts from the congregation. Our bylaws do not call for a full congregational vote to hire a Cantor as this is handled by the Search Committee and Board of Directors. That said, we place tremendous value on the feelings of our congregants and we welcome input from everyone who wishes to participate.


Cantor Rachel Goldman

Upcoming Visit: Friday, January 21st - Saturday, January 22nd
Click here to hear Cantor Goldman

Cantor Rachel Goldman has proudly served for the past six years as Hazzan at Congregation Ner Tamid (CNT) of South Bay of Los Angeles, where she infuses community members of all ages with song. In addition to guiding the music of their worship services, Cantor Goldman runs CNT’s B’nai Mitzvah program, produces show-stopping community concerts, and teaches Hebrew and Jewish music to adults and children alike. An enthusiast of traditional nusach, but not afraid of attempting to set liturgy to the music of Journey or The Beatles, Cantor Goldman keeps worship services varied and exciting with the CNT Rhythm n’ Jews Band at special Erev Shabbat musical services throughout the year.

Prior to joining Congregation Ner Tamid, Cantor Goldman served for over seven years at Congregation Beit T’Shuvah, a synagogue and full inpatient addiction rehabilitation center that incorporates Jewish teachings along with 12-step modules and clinical psychotherapy. There, she had the opportunity to orchestrate services ranging from classical to high-spirited rock and jazz with full band, as well as working with recovering alcoholics, addicts, and ex-convicts as a spiritual counselor and even preparing some for adult B’nai Mitzvah.

A native of Los Angeles, she began her vocal training in the highly-acclaimed Los Angeles Children's Chorus. Before reaching college, she had already sung at the Hollywood Bowl, the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, and with the LA Opera, LA Master Chorale, and LA Philharmonic.

Cantor Goldman is a sought-after concert soloist and guest Cantor. She has performed with the Houston Philharmonic, the Los Angeles Jewish Symphony, the Houston Opera Chorus, and many other ensembles. She is also the co-founder of two successful cantorial collaborative groups: Shul Sisters, and all-female cantor trio consisting of Cantors from New York and Chicago, and Guys & Meidels, a Los-Angeles based quartet which infuses classic Jewish and cantorial music with millennial energy.

Cantor Goldman graduated Summa Cum Laude from the American Jewish University with a BA in Jewish Studies in 2010. Ordained as a Cantor from the Academy for Jewish Religion, California in May of 2014, she holds a Masters of Jewish Sacred Music from the same institution. Cantor Goldman is a proud member in good standing in both the American Conference of Cantors and the Cantors Assembly. She has served on various regional and national committees, and spearheaded multiple Cantorial collaborative projects on both national and international levels. When not teaching or studying new music, she likes to binge on Netflix shows with her husband, Chris, enjoy the beachside life, and eat insane amounts of chocolate.

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785