Purim Carnival!
Sunday, March 16, 2025 • 16 Adar 5785
11:00 AM - 2:00 PMA wicked, wicked Purim Carnival!
Sunday, March 16 from 11a-2p
Join us at 10am in Freedman Levit Sanctuary for the Shpiel starring Clergy, Lay Leaders, Staff, and more!!
- A dedicated Toddler Carnival area on the Preschool Playground
- A full carnival in our outside lot, including your favorites, along with some NEW rides & games - a 40 foot Ferris Wheel, a 100 foot Zipline, a Mechanical Bull, Trike Racing, Velcro Wall, and more!
- Face painting, Balloon Artists, Glitter Tattoos, and a Caricature Artist!
- A dedicated low-sensory carnival area for all ages for those with visual, auditory, or social sensitivities or disabilities. This mini-carnival, held in Pulaski Rauch, includes crafts, games, face-painting, and carnival food. This carnival is funded through a Local Impact Grant from The Jewish Federation of Greater Houston.
- A full menu of grilled foods, fun concessions and desserts, and, of course, hamantaschen!
Free Admission and Carnival Rides for everyone!
Thank you to the Rabbi's Circle, Etz Chaim, and President's Circle for underwriting this Purim Carnival.
Wristbands include admission to the carnival, plus all rides and activities. Food purchased separately.
For security purposes wristbands are required for all adults and children to enter campus.
We will need volunteers to help serve food and concessions; work our Mishloach Manot assembly; and assist with the Sensory Sensitive Mini-Carnival. None of the volunteer jobs require working the rides or games - everything is indoors or under a tent.
Each volunteer shift is one hour (11:00, 12:00, or 1:00), and you will receive a $10 food card.
Student volunteers are eligible for community service hours and must be 8th grade and older
Sign Up for a Shift!
Thank you for underwriting the 2025 Purim Carnival!
RABBI'S CIRCLE: Anonymous; Deborah & Jim Adler; Susan & Scott Bender; Susan & Michael Bono; Rhona & Bruce Caress; Barbara z'l & Dell Coleman; David DeVido; Barbara & Michael Gamson; Robin & Bennett Greenspan; Marilyn & Cary Hoffman; Julie & Michael Kaplan; Diane & Alan Levin; Leah Levit; Patti & Michael Morgan; Paula & Irving Pozmantier; Vicky & Michael Richker; Russ & Leslie Robinson; Melanie & Gregg Rosenberg; Andrea & David Stein; Robin & Brad Stein; The Shirley & Bruce Stein Family; Tracy & Gary Stein
ETZ CHAIM CIRCLE: Mimi & Larry Levine; Isabelle & Eric Mayer; Linda & Jerry Paine; Marlene & Norman Rosenthal; Claudia & Sergio Soroka
PRESIDENT'S CIRCLE: Roberta & Bob Arkus; Carolyn & David Axelrad; Carin & Todd Barth; Susan Bloome; Sharon & Daniel Brener; Joyce & Arthur Dauber; Julie & David Edelstein; Carol & Mark Entman; Kelli & Martin Fein; Michelle & Jeremy Fingeret; Martha & Don Freedman; Karen & Buster Freedman; Lynn Goldberg; Carol & Leonard Hershkowitz; Lorraine Horwitz; Lillie & Ben Hurwitz; Joy & Joe Kaplan; Gerry Karkowsky; Joe Kornfeld; Lisa & Matthew Kornhauser; Bryan Leibman; Rona Milbauer & Jerry Levit; Lauren & Jordan Mintz; Carol & David Neider; Bradley Radoff; Stacy & Andy Robinson; Beth & Mark Sanders; Julie & Steven Scheinthal; Jason & Kimberly Schlanger; Marsha & Lonnie Schooler; Jan & Bernard Silver; Annette & Lawrence Sondock; Leon Toubin; Marcia & Irving Wishnow; Geraldine & Bernard Woolf
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