Bar Mitzvah of Jase Kammerman
Saturday, September 14, 2024 • 11 Elul 5784
9:30 AM - 12:00 PMMain SanctuaryMazel tov to our Bar Mitzvah, Jase Kammerman, son of Jami and Howard Kammerman, brother of Kaia Kammerman, grandson of Roselle and Glenn Kammerman, Linda White and the blessed memory of Mack White. Jase is in the seventh grade at Trafton Academy. He lives for baseball. He has played at Westbury Little League for eight years and his tournament team for three years. When he is not playing baseball, he is watching it, reading about it, or talking baseball stats with someone! He also enjoys rooting on the Astros and Texans, playing basketball and video games with his friends. Jase has also participated in the Performing Arts Camp at the JCC for the past three summers. He will be participating in the Rabbi's Ten Percent plan for charitable giving, and looks forward to completing his Mitzvah project.
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