Creating Paradise on Earth - A Jewish Quest
Thursday, April 22, 2021 • 10 Iyyar 5781
7:00 PM - 8:00 PMvia ZoomOne of the most popular story-telling templates is called “The Hero’s Journey.” The hero (often not knowing her own true nature) ventures off on a mission to achieve a certain objective. Along the way she is confronted with various obstacles that must be overcome. Eventually she achieves her goal and returns home triumphant.
In the Bible, humanity is created in the “Garden of Eden,” a world of Paradise. But is soon “banished, ” setting out on a journey of self-discovery. Could it be that God’s gift of Torah (wisdom) to the Israelites was designed to guide them (and by extension all of humanity) in their "Hero's Journey" back to Paradise?
Join Rabbi Morgen to explore the parallels in these stories and our own "Hero's Journey."
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