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ERJCC High Holiday Boot Camp

Past Sessions
Thursday, September 22, 2022 26 Elul 5782 - 10:00 AM - 12:15 PM - ERJCC
Thursday, September 15, 2022 19 Elul 5782 - 10:00 AM - 12:15 PM - ERJCC
Thursday, September 8, 2022 12 Elul 5782 - 10:00 AM - 12:15 PM - ERJCC
Thursday, September 1, 2022 5 Elul 5782 - 10:00 AM - 12:15 PM - ERJCC

The Hebrew month of Elul, as a precursor to the High Holidays, carries great weight in Jewish tradition. During this month, it is customary to reflect on the past year and study Jewish texts that prepare us for the year ahead. 

Join the ERJCC for four weeks of stimulating classes that will get you in spiritual and intellectual “shape” to start the new year right.  You can register for individual classes, which are all free.  Please register here on the ERJCC website.

September 1

10:00 AM with Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe
The Power of Change: Understanding the opportunity of the month of Elul and kicking off the High Holiday season 

11:15 AM with Rabbi Sarah Fort
B’Yom Din: Rosh Hashanah (Diving into the special Rosh Hashanah prayers, themes of the day; the rabbinic take on the Akedah, the binding of Isaac, which we read on Rosh Hashanah) 

September 8

10:00 AM with Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe
The Power of Repentance: The great gift of Teshuva, repentance, and the ability to delete your history of any and all mistakes. 

11:15 AM with Rabbi Sarah Fort
Ashamnu: Yom Kippur (Diving into the special Yom Kippur prayers, themes of the day; the prophets’ feelings on prayer vs fasting vs mitzvot) 

September 15

10:00 AM with Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe
Meeting with the King: A Rosh Hashanah Prep. Understanding the simanim, Shofar and the themes of the prayers 

11:15 AM with Rabbi Sarah Fort
Sukkat Shalom: Sukkot (The meaning of the four species, how to build a sukkah out of almost anything (car, camel, etc), quasi-forgotten water rituals) 

September 22

10:00 AM with Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe
The Real Me: A Yom Kippur Prep. Connecting with the holiest day of fasting and repentance.  

11:15 AM with Rabbi Sarah Fort
Double Vision:  Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah (Simchat Torah vs Shavuot, why no one in Israel celebrates both, the ancient debate over if they are actually holidays in themselves

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