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From Narrowness to Freedom: Letting Go of Weight Stigma and Embracing a Fuller Life with Rabbi Minna Bromberg

Thursday, March 25, 2021 12 Nisan 5781

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

From Narrowness to Freedom:

Letting Go of Weight Stigma and Embracing a Fuller Life

Fatphobia is a form of systemic oppression: people in larger bodies face discrimination in education, employment, and healthcare. And for people of all sizes, internalized weight stigma saps us of energy that could be used in much more world-healing ways. Our Jewish lives and communities--where we are invited to bring our whole selves--are too often also places where fatphobia lurks, causing soul-deep moral injury. But there’s good news: Jewish tradition, and the Passover story in particular, can serve as a source of body liberation and inclusion for all. On Passover, we are commanded not only to re-enact the exodus from Egypt but to experience it as if we had been there ourselves. In this session, Rabbi Minna Bromberg, PhD will share her personal journey as well as her experience over three decades of activism and scholarship. We'll learn how to confront weight stigma and free ourselves and our communities from its oppressive narrowness.

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About Rabbi Minna Bromberg, PhD:

Founder and president of Fat Torah, Rabbi Minna Bromberg, PhD is passionate about bringing her three decades of experience in fat activism to writing, teaching and change-making at the nexus of Judaism and body liberation. Her forthcoming book is Belonging for Every Body: a Fat Torah guide to building inclusive spiritual community. Minna received her doctorate in sociology from Northwestern University, with a dissertation on identity formation in interfaith couples, and was ordained at Hebrew College in 2010. Since then she has led a 250-family Conservative congregation in Reading, PA, released a fifth album of original music, and run the Year-in-Israel program for Hebrew College rabbinical students. In addition to her work with Fat Torah, Minna is a voice teacher who specializes in helping people use their voices in leading prayer. She lives in Jerusalem with her husband, Rabbi Dr. Alan Abrams, and their two children.

About Fat Torah:

Fat Torah is here to smash the idolatry of weight stigma and lead us all from Narrowness to Freedom. We bring together the inner work of tikkun halev (healing the heart) with the social justice of tikkun olam (repairing the world). We provide education, awareness-building, and mentoring for confronting weight stigma and growing communities where every body belongs. We believe that Jewish tradition both calls us to this work and can be deployed for the liberation of all bodies.

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