Houston YP & 20 Somethings Hanukkah Bazaar at Hillel Houston
Thursday, December 2, 2021 • 28 Kislev 5782
7:00 PM - 9:00 PMHouston HillelExplore the Hanukkah Bazaar booths and collect prizes and memories along the way! Join Houston's Young Professionals and 20somethings from 7 Jewish Houston organizations to light up the night. Bazaar Booths include Hanukkah Pong, Semitic Squid Games, trivia, and more!
Latkes, Sufganiyot, and plenty of L'chaim's will be flowing throughout the evening and candle lighting will be done together as a community at the beginning of the evening as well.
RSVP before November 25 to receive two tickets for the secret gift raffle- all auction items are wrapped, so you'll have to channel your inner Maccabee intuition and put your ticket(s) towards the best one...or so you hope!
You must be fully vaccinated to attend this event.
This event is for young professionals in their 20's and early 30's. If that does not apply to you, let us know so we can connect you to a Jewish community that's right for you!
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