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Rosh Chodesh Program

Sunday, November 12, 2023 28 Cheshvan 5784

4:00 PM - 5:30 PMStein Hall East

Join us each month for a new look at Rosh Chodesh.  We look forward to exploring new themes through discussion, speakers, and hands-on activities each Hebrew month. 

In the month of Kislev, we celebrate female empowerment.  We welcome as our guest speaker Al Tribble, Community Security Director for the Jewish Federation of Houston.  His topic - Situational Awareness - teaches us critical skills that we can use in all areas of our daily lives:  at home, at work, and while participating as members of our Jewish Community.  Al is an incredible speaker and teacher and has decades of experience in the FBI and Secure Community Network that inform his talks.

This empowering presentation is so important that we'd like to make it available to all women in our community at no cost. 

We ask everyone to please register so we have seating and for security purposes.  


More about Al Tribble:

Alfred (Al) Tribble joined the Secure Community Network (SCN) in June 2022 as Community Security Director for the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston. In this role, he administers a security program that provides consultations, building, and organizational assessments, training, drills, and threat mitigation to Jewish organizations, including schools, daycare centers, synagogues, camps, assisted living facilities, and other Jewish facilities.

Al retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 2018 as a Supervisory Special Agent after 27 years of service. In his last post, Al’s team investigated civil rights, human trafficking, and violent crimes against children. He specialized in investigating hate crimes, color of law violations, human trafficking, and infringement of access to health care clinics. Al served as a supervisor in the Civil Rights Unit at FBI Headquarters in Washington, where he provided field offices civil rights guidance and program management. He was an adjunct faculty member and has instructed FBI senior managers, law enforcement officers, and the public on diversity and inclusion, and civil rights. Al has also served as a recruiter, media spokesperson, equal employment opportunity coordinator, hostage negotiator, and SWAT team sniper.

Al holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Towson University. Prior to joining SCN, he worked as a part-time facilitator for the ADL’s Managing Implicit Bias for Law Enforcement training and A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute anti-bias training.  Al’s post FBI career activities include serving on the Advisory Boards of the ADL and HMH.

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