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Sisterhood 2021 Torah Fund Event

Tuesday, November 16, 2021 12 Kislev 5782

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Sisterhood 2021 Torah Fund

We look forward to welcoming you back in person to celebrate the 2021 Torah Fund.  We have a great program planned for you!

  • 10:00am - Registration and Conversation
  • 10:30am - Presentation of the Martha Lea Stein Woman of Achievement Award and Keynote Address by author Ellen Leventhal 
  • Luncheon to follow in Stein Hall

The 10:30am speaking program will be both in person in Freedman Levit Sanctuary and live streamed to our website.

Registration required.  Please RSVP below for the Luncheon by Wednesday, November 10th

The Torah Fund Campaign is the dedicated philanthropy of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, its members, and its affiliated sisterhoods in Conservative congregations across North America.  Torah Fund supports scholarships and programming at these Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning:  Jewish Theological Seminary (New York), Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (Los Angeles), Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem), Seminario Rabinico Latinamericano (Buenos Aires),  and Zacharias Frankel Seminary (Potsdam, Germany)

Women’s League and Torah Fund are proud to support the education of the future rabbis, cantors, educators, and scholars who will serve as the gifted leaders and innovators of the Conservative Movement.  Torah Fund has raised more than $95 Million since its inception as a grass-roots fund raising campaign. 

Your tax-deductible donations can be made:

  • By credit card in the form below
  • By mailing a check to CBY, 4525 Beechnut St, 77096 to the attention of Jennifer Rosenzweig.  Please make any checks payable to:  Congregation Beth Yeshurun Sisterhood

All donations will go directly to Torah Fund.



This form closed on 2021-11-10 23:00:00.
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