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Legacy Society

Permanence & Stability

Your planned gift is a powerful and meaningful way to create an enduring philanthropic legacy at Beth Yeshurun.

Join the Congregation Beth Yeshurun Legacy Society!  Gifts to the Beth Yeshurun endowment are invested in perpetuity, providing a growing stream of income, which, over time, will help support the Congregation's many programs and activities.
Innovative programs, such as the Social Action, Inclusion, Jewish Learning, YES Seniors Group, 100 Jewish Men, daily minyans, live-streaming and many others, contribute to Beth Yeshurun’s effective service to its membership and the community, require considerable funding. A vibrant and growing endowment fund can ease our dependence on voluntary assessments and capital campaigns while securing the fiscal future of the Congregation, as it:

  • Creates an ongoing source of income. Because funds within the Legacy Society are permanent, this pool of money provides a reliable source of income in perpetuity.
  •  Enhances stability and prestige. Our well-managed Legacy Society and endowment fund sends a message of planned, long-tern stability, fiscal responsibility and financial viability.
  •  Provides independence. Contributions to our Legacy Society can provide a measure of independence from economic, governmental and political forces.
  • Builds a pipeline of future gifts. Our thriving Legacy Society builds a pipeline of gifts that will mature in the future. By attracting deferred gifts we are enhancing the future financial security of Beth Yeshurun by positioning ourselves to enjoy increasingly larger gifts in the future.

Making a gift to the Endowment Fund allows for orderly financial planning thereby securing Beth Yeshurun’s leadership role locally and nationally for many generations to come. 

Legacy Society Members

Debbie & Jim Adler
Cindy & Jeff Anapolsky
Lisa & Joel Bender
Susie & Scott Bender 
Gloria & James Bishkin
Sara & Jerrad Bloome
Susan & Michael Bloome
Bonnie & Gary Blumberg
Sarah & Denis Braham
Linda & Andy Burger
Rhona & Bruce Caress
Shirley & Alan Cohn
Joyce & Arthur Dauber
Rosemarie* & David DeVido
Trudie & Max Esses
Marjorie & Clive Fields
Alan & Haley Finkelman 
David & Jennifer Finkelman
Linda & Gordon Franklin
 Liat & Mark Funk
Celine & David Hecht 

Linda & Sandy Herskovitz 
Lorraine & Buddy* Horwitz
Rachel & Josh Jacobs
Sue & Stuart Jacobson
Sharon & Richard Kammerman
Julie & Michael Kaplan
Leah & Paul Katz
Linda Kashar
Sharon & Michael Krost 
Cheryl Lipshutz & James Lerdal
Lee & Milton Levit Family
Rona Milbauer Levit & Jerry Levit
Barry Mandel
Shirley Mandel 
Cantor Diane Dorf & Rabbi Steve Morgen
Karol & Daniel Musher 
Gordon Pilmer 
Joy & Scott Plantowsky
Bernice Heilbrunn Potvin
Paula & Irving Pozmantier 

Leslie & Russ Robinson 
Marcie & Rabbi David Rosen 
Glen Rosenbaum
Marcy Rothman & Tammy Pye
Susan Sandler 
Kim & Jason Schlanger
Marsha & Lonnie Schooler 
Maxine & Herman Silberstein 
Alice Small 
Shirley & Bruce Stein Family
Lisa & Rabbi Brian Strauss 
Jennifer-Joy Sutton 
Gail & Gary Swartz 
Mimi* & Leon Toubin 
Virginia & Douglas Waldman 
Cindy & Barry Weinstein 
Frida & Stuart Wilson 
Marcia & Irving Wishnow 
Judy & Ronnie Yambra 
Randi & Paul Zubowski

How You Can Help

Outright gifts, such as a cash donation, transfer of securities or gift of personal property are welcome, subject to the Beth Yeshurun Gift Acceptance Policy, including:

  • Outright Gift A donation of cash, securities or personal property.
  • Living Trust A trust established to take effect during the donor’s lifetime.
  • Bequest in Will A gift made by naming Congregation Beth Yeshurun in a donor’s will.
  • Life Insurance Gift  Naming Beth Yeshurun named as the beneficiary of an established policy.
  • Retirement Gift Plan Naming Beth Yeshurun as remainder beneficiary after a donor’s passing.
  • Real Estate Gift Donation of real property in full or with a retained life estate.
  • Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust Beth Yeshurun receives the remainder after income is paid.

Donors may name Beth Yeshurun's Endowment Fund as a beneficiary of an insurance policy, charitable trust, retirement account, 401(k) or in their will, such as:
I give and bequeath to the Congregation Beth Yeshurun Endowment Fund,
EIN 74-1222268, $_____.
To learn more about the benefits of gift planning and the many possible ways that you can support our mission, please contact Meredith Segal, Director of Development, at or 713.255.8008.

Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785