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In all aspects of life, Jewish heritage offers practices and perspectives that enrich our lives and draw us closer to friends, family and our community and enables access and exposure of all ages and all levels to connect with our Synagogue. 

From the birth until the world to come, Congregation Beth Yeshurun guides us through the many stages of our Jewish lives both in joy and sadness. All of our Beth Yeshurun rabbis and cantor are honored to officiate for your family’s life cycle events.  They can be contacted anytime.

Brian Strauss
Senior Rabbi

Rachel Goldman

Steven Morgen
Associate Rabbi

Sarah Fort
Associate Rabbi

David Rosen
Rabbi Emeritus


Bris/Baby Naming

A girl’s name is officially given in the synagogue when the father take on an aliyah (the reading from the Torah during services which is considered an honor), after the birth.

Brit Milah, literally, Covenant of Circumsion, is probably the most observed. The ceremony is performed on the eighth day of the child’s life, during the day. Various blessing are recited, and the child is then given a formal Hebrew name. For more information about the Brit Milah ceremony Click Here

As with most Jewish life events the ritual is followed by refreshments or a festive meal. Families are encouraged to contact our Catering Director, Marco Alvarado, if interested in sponsoring a private ceremony here at Congregation Beth Yeshurun.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah

“Bar Mitzvah” literally means “son of the commandment.” “Bar” is son, “Mitzvah” is “commandment”, and “Bat” is daughter in Hebrew. B'nai is plural for either "2 boys" or "a boy & girl" having a "Bar" or "Bat" Mitzvah at the same time. B'not is plural for "2 girls" having a "Bat" Mitzvah at the same time. 

Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a public affirmation to a rite of passage from Jewish youth to adulthood. At the age of 13 (12 for girls), the celebrant becomes obligated to observe the commandments. During the Shabbat Services on a Saturday the celebrant is called up to the Torah to recite a blessing over the weekly reading, and chant the Haftarah. Its important to note that a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is not the goal of a Jewish education, nor is it a graduation ceremony marking the end of a person’s Jewish Education.

For information about having your child(s) Bar/Bat Mitzvah here with us at Beth Yeshurun, contact our B'nai Mitzvah Coordinator, Sara Ellen Kaiser at 713.666.1881x305. 

If you are interested in participating in our Adult B'nai Mitzvah program contact Rabbi Steven Morgen at 713.666.1881


Mazel Tov! Marriage not only provides individual companionship, but it ensures the physical and spiritual survival of the Jewish communities that reflect divine law. Congregation Beth Yeshurun, joins with you, to amplify your moments of wonder and celebration, at a joyous time together with your congregational family.

If you are interest in having your wedding, sponsoring a private ceremony, or anniversary ceremonies at Beth Yeshurun contact our Catering Director, Marco Alvarado.


The reasons why people become Jewish are varied. Many are involved in a romantic relationship with someone Jewish and wish to unite the family religiously. Others are on a spiritual search and learn about Judaism through such means as reading, hearing a lecture, attending a Jewish religious ceremony, and so on. Whatever the motivation, the first step in considering conversion is to explore Judaism.

If you were born of a different faith and are considering learning more about Conservative Judaism or the conversion process, please contact Rabbi Steven Morgen at 713.666.1881.

At a Time of Loss

Click here to download the Mourner's Kaddish | When a Loved One Dies

Congregation Beth Yeshurun has two cemeteries in Houston, Allen Parkway and Post Oak, and one in Wharton, Texas. The Allen Parkway and Post Oak cemeteries are open for visitation every day except Shabbat. Daily hours are 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Sunday through Friday. They are closed on the following days: Rosh Hashanah Day I & II;  Yom Kippur;  Sukkot Days I & II; Shemini Atzeret; Simchat Torah; Pesach Days I, II, VII, & VIII ; Shavuot Days I & II 

For Cemetery needs and questions, please contact Larry Caulfield or call (281) 728-3293 or Marilyn Ozaroff or call (713) 502-8228. Non-emergency calls to the synagogue office will be transferred to Larry or Marilyn.

Chevra Kadisha

The Houston Jewish Community maintains and supports a Chevra Kadisha for those interested in a traditional preparation for burial. The Chevra Kadisha is a volunteer organization supported by donations and works with all funeral homes. 
For the Chevra Kadisha information, contact Lester Sternberg, President at  (713) 776-2438 

Driving Directions to our Cemeteries | Funeral Home Information | Monument Companies | Transitions

Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785