Join us for a week of programming, prayer, and Jewish learning. Accessible virtually on our website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel or register for in person for daily and Shabbat services.
Upcoming Events
ScholarStream: How We Navigate Ethical Dilemmas and Reshape Rituals to Draw Us Closer to God TUESDAY, FEB 9TH 7:00P TO 8:00P Beth Yeshurun is a sponsor of this initiative between the Rabbinical Assembly, USCJ, JTS, and Ziegler. Join us for this four-part series where we learn from some of the world's leading scholars and engage deeply with our texts and traditions.MORE INFO
100 Jewish Men - Dr. Josh Furman WEDNESDAY, FEB 10TH 7:00P TO 8:00P Join us for February's talk with Dr. Josh Furman, Curator of Houston Jewish History Archives and Adjunct Lecturer at Rice UniversityMORE INFO
Jewish Meditation Group WEDNESDAY, FEB 10TH 7:00P TO 8:00P Explore tools for mindfulness, find a different way to talk to God, and deepen your prayer with meditation and chanting.MORE INFO
ScholarStream: The Stories We Tell: Revealing Ourselves in Ancient Narratives WEDNESDAY, FEB 10TH 9:00P TO 10:00P Beth Yeshurun is a sponsor of this initiative between the Rabbinical Assembly, USCJ, JTS, and Ziegler. Join us for this four-part series where we learn from some of the world's leading scholars and engage deeply with our texts and traditions. MORE INFO
Lunch with the Rabbi Welcomes Rabbi Kalman Samuels, Disability & Inclusion Advocate THURSDAY, FEB 11TH 12:00P TO 12:30P Rabbi Kalman Samuels is the Founder of Shalva National Institute in Israel, which is dedicated to care and empowerment for the disabled and promotion of social inclusion. MORE INFO
Parsha Study Group with Rabbi Danny Horwitz THURSDAY, FEB 11TH 7:30P TO 8:30P Join Rabbi Danny Horwitz's Weekly Parsha Study Group on Thursdays following the Evening Minyan. MORE INFO
Family Friday in February: Guest Jomel Birnbaum FRIDAY, FEB 12TH 5:00P TO 5:30P Each week we will bring you something different: Tot Shabbat, Storytime with Rabbi Fort, Shabbat Crafts and Cooking, and some fun special guests. Find us on the website, YouTube, or Facebook at 5:00 on Friday! MORE INFO
J.B. Greenfield Chapel Shabbat Evening Service FRIDAY, FEB 5TH 5:30P TO 6:30PMORE INFO
Shabbat Renewal & Shabbat Table Talk with Dr. Rex Marco FRIDAY, FEB 12TH 6:00P Join us for our monthly Shabbat Table Talk series. Rabbi Strauss invites a local leader to talk about issues important to our community - then you continue the conversation at your own Shabbat tables. This month we talk to Dr. Rex Marco as part of JDAIM (Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month). MORE INFO J.B. Greenfield Chapel Shabbat Morning Service Sermon by Rabbi Steven Morgen SHABBAT, FEB 13TH 8:30A TO 11:00AMORE INFO
Shabbat Morning Service - Shabbat Refreshed Sermon by Rabbi Steven Morgen SHABBAT, FEB 13TH 9:30A TO 11:15A MORE INFO Museum Minyan Shabbat Morning Service SHABBAT, FEB 13TH 9:30A TO 12:00PMORE INFO
Chapel Mincha/Ma’ariv SHABBAT, FEB 13TH 5:45PMORE INFO Museum Minyan Havdalah SATURDAY, FEB 6TH 6:00P The Zoom will open at 6:00pm and we will begin with a short study session at 6:00pm and end with Havdalah at 6:30. Bring your own meal and join us!MORE INFO
Yom Limmud SUNDAY, FEB 14TH 9:00A TO 4:00P Be Inspired. Be entertained. Be Jewish. The Federation’s Yom Limmud (Day of Learning) provides a unique opportunity for Jews from all denominations and walks of life to come together in one place at one time to learn, exchange ideas, and share experiences. Scores of seminars featuring presentations by rabbis, cantors, Jewish educators, college professors, cultural arts specialists and other experts are facilitated throughout the day.MORE INFO
Once content has been recorded live, it will be saved on our social media platforms as well as our virtual community page for future access. This means that if you cannot make the time slots noted above, you can still join us to learn and pray.
Please know that your clergy is here for you. To reach out, please e-mail them directly or connect with and we will direct you to a member of our team.
Daily and Shabbat Services Our goal is to provide in-person worship services, when deemed safe and appropriate, while protecting our congregants and staff. Individuals identified as high risk or higher risk are advised to remain home to limit their risk of exposure. We encourage these individuals to participate through our numerous virtual service options.
Main sanctuary service are in the Barg Sactuary and occur Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. The J.B. Greenfield Chapel minyan occurs daily in the Freedman Levit Sanctuary.
They currently consists of up to 30 members who have registered in advance. Please visit our website for times, registration, and streaming.
Click image above to register for Yom Limmud 2021: Jews Around the World! on February 14.
Be Inspired. Be entertained. Be Jewish.
The Federation’s Yom Limmud (Day of Learning) provides a unique opportunity for Jews from all denominations and walks of life to come together in one place at one time to learn, exchange ideas, and share experiences. Scores of seminars featuring presentations by rabbis, cantors, Jewish educators, college professors, cultural arts specialists and other experts are facilitated throughout the day.
Fri., Feb. 12: Beef Bourguignon, Leafy Green Bean Salad, Mashed Potatoes, and Blueberry Pie Tue., Feb. 16: Chicken & Sausage Creole, Cajun Slaw, Okra & Tomatoes, Corn & Peppers Grits, and Peach Cobbler