Join us for a week of programming, prayer, and Jewish learning. Accessible virtually on our website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel or register for in person for daily and Shabbat services.
Upcoming Events
B'tzelem Elohim - In the Image of God TUESDAY, FEB 23RD 7:00P TO 8:00P As part of JDAIM (Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month), Rabbi Fort will teach on B'tzelem Elohim, in the image of God. As we are all made in the image of God, we include, value and respect all people. MORE INFO Water Collection WEDNESDAY, FEB 24TH 10:00A TO 1:00P & 2:00P TO 5:00P The Chesed Group is coordinating a water collection for our senior congregants. Drop off your extra water (gallons or bottles) and we will distribute to our seniors in need. Any excess water bottles collected will go to the Houston Food Bank. Please drive through to the Beechnut Entrance where volunteers will take your donation. Any size waters accepted.MORE INFO
Rebellious Jewish Women @ ERJCC's Vashti's Virtual Banquet WEDNESDAY, FEB 24TH 12:30P TO 1:30P Rebellious women and their stories run all through Jewish history, as far back as Torah and as modern as right now. Explore their fascinating lives and be inspired by their provocative stories with Rabbi Fort at the ERJCC's Vashti's Virtual Banquet event! MORE INFO
Jewish Meditation Group WEDNESDAY, FEB 24TH 7:00P TO 8:00P Explore tools for mindfulness, find a different way to talk to God, and deepen your prayer with meditation and chanting.MORE INFO
Lunch with the Rabbi Welcomes Dr. Manizeh Mirza-Gruber THURSDAY, FEB 25TH 12:00P TO 12:30P This week we are joined by Dr. Manizeh Mirza-Gruber, psychiatrist and founder of Mindful in Practice. Rabbi Strauss and Dr. Mirza-Gruber will talk about not just surviving, but thriving, during these challenging times.MORE INFO
Purim Megillah Reading & Shpiel THURSDAY, FEB 25TH 5:30P TO 7:30P Join us for the Megillah reading and Purim Shpiel! Reading in the Barg Sanctuary will begin at 6:30P, J.B. Greenfield Chapel will begin at 5:30P, and the Museum Minyan will begin at 6:30P. MORE INFO
Go Texas Purim Drive Through Event FRIDAY, FEB 26TH 4:00P TO 5:30P Make your way through each station, pickup some Purim treats, and say hi to all of the clergy - and never leave your car! Open to all members, but please register to drive-through so that we have treats for everyone! MORE INFO After last week's weather disaster, we know that there are many in our community that are without the food, water, and supplies that they need. We hope that you will contribute to our drive to support the Houston Food Bank in the amazing work that they are doing to help. Member Led Shabbat Evening Service FRIDAY, FEB 26TH 5:30P TO 6:30PMORE INFO
Shabbat Renewal with the Jacobs Family Sermon by Rabbi Steven Morgen FRIDAY, FEB 26TH 6:00P MORE INFO Member Led Shabbat Morning Service Sermon by Rabbi Brian Strauss SHABBAT, FEB 27TH 8:30A TO 11:00AMORE INFO
Shabbat Morning Service B'nai Mitzvah: Jack Jacobs and Vera Jacobs Sermon by Rabbi Brian Strauss SHABBAT, FEB 27TH 9:30A TO 11:15A MORE INFO Museum Minyan Shabbat Morning Service SHABBAT, FEB 27TH 9:30A TO 12:00PMORE INFO
Chapel Mincha/Ma’ariv SHABBAT, FEB 27TH 5:45PMORE INFO Museum Minyan Havdalah SATURDAY, FEB 27TH 6:00P The Zoom will open at 6:00pm and we will begin with a short study session at 6:00pm and end with Havdalah at 6:30. Bring your own meal and join us!MORE INFO
Jewish Learning Project SUNDAY, FEB 28TH 9:00A TO 12:00P The Jewish Learning Project (JLP) is Congregation Beth Yeshurun's Adult Learning Program. Our JLP sessions offer a variety of spiritual, intellectual, and stimulating topics for you to choose from. Sessions are held mostly on Sunday mornings and are open to the public and free of charge.MORE INFO
Once content has been recorded live, it will be saved on our social media platforms as well as our virtual community page for future access. This means that if you cannot make the time slots noted above, you can still join us to learn and pray.
Please know that your clergy is here for you. To reach out, please e-mail them directly or connect with and we will direct you to a member of our team.
Daily and Shabbat Services Our goal is to provide in-person worship services, when deemed safe and appropriate, while protecting our congregants and staff. Individuals identified as high risk or higher risk are advised to remain home to limit their risk of exposure. We encourage these individuals to participate through our numerous virtual service options.
Main sanctuary service are in the Barg Sactuary and occur Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. The J.B. Greenfield Chapel minyan occurs daily in the Freedman Levit Sanctuary.
They currently consists of up to 30 members who have registered in advance. Please visit our website for times, registration, and streaming.
Fri., Feb. 26: Braised Brisket in Red Wine Sauce, House Salad, Roasted Potatoes, Green Beans & Carrots, Kevin’s House made Hamentashen March Menu Coming Soon