Join us for a week of programming, prayer, and Jewish learning.
ReelAbilities Houston Film & Arts Festival 2022 TUESDAY, FEB 22ND (ALL DAY) The mission of ReelAbilities is to bring systemic change to the culture of Houston's families, institutions, places of work, and communities to be more inclusive of people with disabilities. The ReelAbilities Film Festival offers on-demand movies, live events, and discussions around a variety of topics on inclusion.MORE INFO
Wisdom of Torah (Breakfast Club) TUESDAY, FEB 22ND 7:00A Together, over breakfast with Rabbi Brian Strauss, come explore the ancient wisdom of Torah and how it can be applied in today's modern world. MORE INFO
Voices of Torah with Rabbi Steven Morgen (Breakfast Club) WEDNESDAY, FEB 23RD 7:00A Rabbi Morgen teaches Wednesday mornings as part of the Breakfast Club - learn Torah 5 days a week with our clergy! MORE INFO
Jewish Disability Advocacy Day WEDNESDAY, FEB 23RD 6:00P Sponsored by Jewish Federations of North America, Jewish Disability Advocacy Day is a day of education, advocacy, and empowerment in support of people with disabilities.MORE INFO
ScholarStream: Halakha - The Process Moving Forward and the Forward-Moving Process WEDNESDAY, FEB 23RD 7:00P Scholarstream 5782 features three distinct arcs of learning that stand-alone or flow into each other. Cultivating Our Relationships, Defining Our Sacred Spaces, and Renewing Our Resilience will offer an exploration of who we are, where we are in relation to others, and how we move forward in this complicated world. MORE INFO
Jewish Meditation Group - Virtual WEDNESDAY, FEB 23RD 7:00P Explore tools for mindfulness, find a different way to talk to God, and deepen your prayer with meditation and chanting.MORE INFO
Jewish Mysticism & Ancient Cultural Beliefs with Rabbi Fort THURSDAY, FEB 24TH 7:00A Rabbi Fort teaches Thursday mornings as part of the Breakfast Club - learn Torah 5 days a week with our clergy!MORE INFO
Stuff You Never Learned in Hebrew School THURSDAY, FEB 24TH 7:00P TO 8:00P This month we will explore how ancient Judaism approached sex work and workers. Our texts may surprise you! MORE INFO
Story Time with Rabbi Fort FRIDAY, FEB 25TH 5:00P TO 5:30P Join us virtually once a month as Rabbi Fort reads our kids a story, then shares the blessing over challah and grape juice, plus a blessing for all of our children. MORE INFO
Shabbat Renewal with the Schlanger Family Go Texan Shabbat Sermon by Rabbi Steven Morgen FRIDAY, FEB 25TH 6:00P Join us for our Main Sanctuary Shabbat Service.Go Texan Day is the unofficial kickoff of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Participate in the city-wide celebration on Go Texan Day by putting your best cowboy boot forward and showing your Western pride. MORE INFO J.B. Greenfield Chapel Shabbat Evening Service FRIDAY, FEB 25TH 6:30PMORE INFO
Teen Shabbat Dinner with Clergy FRIDAY, FEB 25TH 7:00P TO 8:30P 11th and 12th Graders are invited to join clergy for a special Shabbat Dinner immediately following Shabbat Renewal Services.MORE INFO
J.B. Greenfield Chapel Shabbat Morning Service SHABBAT, FEB 26TH 8:30A MORE INFO Museum Minyan Shabbat Morning Service SHABBAT, FEB 26TH 9:15AMORE INFO
Shabbat Morning Service Bar Mitzvah: Owen Schlanger Sermon by Rabbi Brian Strauss SHABBAT, FEB 26TH 9:30A Join us in the Barg Santuary for our Main Sanctuary Service. MORE INFO
Parsha Study with Rabbi Danny Horwitz SHABBAT, FEB 26TH 11:30A Weekly Parsha Study with Rabbi Horwitz following Chapel Shabbat Service in the Schepps Board Room. Main Sanctuary Mincha/Ma’ariv Bat Mitzvah: Anna Magzen SHABBAT, FEB 26TH 2:00p MORE INFO
J.B. Greenfield Chapel Mincha/Ma’ariv SHABBAT, FEB 19TH 5:45PMORE INFO
Museum Minyan Havdalah SATURDAY, FEB 19TH 6:15P Join for the conclusion of Shabbat with virtual Havdalah and a short study session via Zoom.MORE INFO
Jewish Learning Project SUNDAY, FEB 27TH 9:00A TO 12:00P The Jewish Learning Project (JLP) is Congregation Beth Yeshurun's Adult Learning Program. Our JLP sessions offer a variety of spiritual, intellectual, and stimulating topics for you to choose from. Sessions are held Sunday mornings and are open to the public and free of charge. MORE INFO
Young Parent Play | Date SUNDAY, FEB 27TH 3:30P TO 5:00P Join parents of other infants to meet other new parents, socialize, and learn! Babysitting provided. MORE INFO
Once content has been recorded live, it will be saved on our social media platforms for future access. This means that if you cannot make the time slots noted above, you can still join us to learn and pray.
Please know that your clergy is here for you. To reach out, please e-mail them directly or connect with and we will direct you to a member of our team.
The following COVID-related protocols are in effect:
For fully vaccinated congregants of all ages, masks are now optional indoors and outdoors. Any congregant that feels more comfortable wearing a mask is welcome to continue.
Congregants that are not fully vaccinated should continue joining us virtually for programs and services. As they become fully vaccinated, they can choose whether or not to wear masks.
Congregants that are not eligible to be vaccinated should be masked when possible.
All congregants and visitors are expected to be vaccinated. Congregants that are fully vaccinated but are immunocompromised or have underlying conditions may not be fully protected by the vaccine. For your safety, please consult your physician for guidance before attending in-person services and events. We highly encourage all who are eligible to get vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, you should stay home and participate virtually.
Any individual experiencing symptoms of illness, we ask you to stay home and return to the synagogue when you are free of symptoms.
Join clergy for a special Shabbat Dinner immediately following Shabbat Renewal (this dinner is exclusively for students)
We know you have a lot on your plate as a High School student: classes, extra-curricular activities, friends, and other social commitments. But we also imagine that as you learn more about science, history, other cultures and religions, you might have questions about Jewish faith, customs, and traditions that you hadn't thought about when you were younger.
In addition to these grade level Shabbat Dinners, know that our doors are always open to visit with you - on the phone, via ZOOM, at our office, or even at Starbucks.
Tenth Graders join Rabbi Fort at Beth Yeshurun on Friday, March 25 Eleventh Graders join Rabbi Morgen at Beth Yeshurun on Friday, February 25 Twelfth Graders join Rabbi Strauss at Beth Yeshurun on Friday, February 25
A new series for parents of children under 1-year-old
Join Rabbi Sarah Fort to: Meet other parents of young children, Socialize & learn together, Hear from experts not just on parenting, but also marriage and relationships. Since babysitting will be provided, registration is required.
Cost per family: $18 for a single session | $36 for the 3-part series Series Dates: February 27 | March 27 | April 24
Honoring the Musical Legacy of Cantor Meir Finkelstein! March 31, 2022 at Congregation Beth Yeshurun
We look forward to our concert celebrating the music of Cantor Meir Finkelstein. Tickets for this incomparable musical experience have been in great demand as the evening will feature renowned cantors, including Cantors Azi Schwartz, Chayim Frenkel, Netanel Hershtik, and Rachel Goldman! Purchase Individual Tickets
The Textual Foundations for Today’s Jewish Religious Communities Taught by Rabbi David Rosen at the ERJCC 8-Part Series begining February 22 | 11:15a - 12:15p
Study of the texts which provide our earliest understandings of Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism. We'll examine texts written by leading figures in each movement over the last century which can help us understand how each they evolved.
We invite you to share with us your simchas - births, engagement, weddings, or award and recognitions. Fill our Mazel Tov form with your information a picture and share your great news with the rest of the congregation. Click here to Submit your Simcha!