Join us for a week of programming, prayer, and Jewish learning.
Wisdom of Torah with Rabbi Brian Strauss TUESDAY, SEP 20TH 7:45A TO 8:30A Rabbi Strauss teaches Tuesday mornings as part of the Breakfast Club - learn Torah 4 days a week with our clergy! Jewish Federation of Houston Community Town Halls TUESDAY, SEP 20TH 7:00P TO 8:00P Meet Community Security Director, Al Tribble at one of two Town Halls and learn about resources, plans and safety protocols. Registration required. MORE INFO
Voices of Torah with Rabbi Steven Morgen WEDNESDAY, SEP 21ST 7:45A TO 8:30A Rabbi Morgen teaches Wednesday mornings as part of the Breakfast Club - learn Torah 4 days a week with our clergy!
Hate Hurts - Understanding the Psychological Impact of Antisemitism WEDNESDAY, SEP 21ST 12:30P TO 1:30P Beth Yeshurun is a community partner in this ADL Speaker Series virtual presentation. MORE INFO
Jewish Meditation Group - Virtual WEDNESDAY, SEP 21ST 7:00P Explore tools for mindfulness, find a different way to talk to God, and deepen your prayer with meditation and chanting.MORE INFO ScholarStream Series 1: Elul - A Journey Toward Repentance WEDNESDAY, SEP 21ST 7:00P TO 8:00P Beginning in Elul and spanning all the way to Shavuot, the Conservative Movement seminaries and institutions are partnering to offer seven series that will bring your community face-to-face with the brightest and most engaging scholars our movement has to offer. MORE INFO
Jewish Federation of Houston Community Town Halls WEDNESDAY, SEP 21ST 7:00P TO 8:00P Meet Community Security Director, Al Tribble at one of two Town Halls and learn about resources, plans and safety protocols. Registration required. MORE INFO
Jewish Mysticism & Ancient Cultural Beliefs with Rabbi Fort THURSDAY, SEP 22ND 7:45A TO 8:30A Rabbi Fortteaches Wednesday mornings as part of the Breakfast Club - learn Torah 4 days a week with our clergy!
ERJCC High Holiday Boot Camp THURSDAY, SEP 22ND 10:00A TO 12:15P Join the ERJCC for four weeks of classes that will get you in spiritual and intellectual “shape” to start the new year right. MORE INFO
Shabbat Renewal Sermon by Rabbi Steven Morgen FRIDAY, SEP 23RD 6:00P Join us for our weekly Main Sanctuary Service. MORE INFO
J.B. Greenfield Chapel Shabbat Evening Service FRIDAY, SEP 23RD 6:30P MORE INFO
J.B. Greenfield Chapel Shabbat Morning Service SHABBAT, SEP 24TH 8:30A MORE INFO Museum Minyan Shabbat Morning Service SHABBAT, SEP 24TH 9:15AMORE INFO
Shabbat Morning Service Sermon by Rabbi Sarah Fort SHABBAT, SEP 24TH 9:30A Join us for our Main Sanctuary Shabbat Morning service.MORE INFO Parsha Study SHABBAT, SEP 24TH 11:30A Weekly Parsha Study following Chapel Shabbat Service. J.B. Greenfield Chapel Mincha/Ma’ariv SHABBAT, SEP 24TH 6:45PMORE INFO
Once content has been recorded live, it will be saved on our social media platforms for future access. This means that if you cannot make the time slots noted above, you can still join us to learn and pray.
Please know that your clergy is here for you. To reach out, please e-mail them directly or connect with and we will direct you to a member of our team.
Our High Holy Days page is now live!
You'll find 2022/5783 resources like the service schedule, Meals to Go, child care registration, FAQs and so much more. Important High Holy Day information, along with tickets to those members in good standing, were mailed August 30th. Mindi Stern, Membership Director, is available to meet regarding outstanding account issues. Please call 713.666.1881, ex. 360 to make an appointment.
Important High Holy Day Deadlines: Meals-To-Go Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Tuesday, September 20th Reserved Parking Thursday, September 15th - or until space runs out
Childcare Rosh Hashanah is Closed & Yom Kippur Monday, September 19th
Westwood Golf Club 8888 Country Creek Drive, Houston Texas 77036 Check In: 8:00AM | Scramble: 9:00AM $200 per player | $750 Foursome
Fee includes: golf, cart, lunch, range balls, and gift bag Tournament proceeds support necessary repairs and restoration of some of our sacred Torah scrolls.This is a long-term project, ReJEWvination, and your support helps with that effort. Click here for more information and to register
The Jewish Learning Project (JLP) is Congregation Beth Yeshurun's Adult Learning Program. Our JLP sessions offer a variety of spiritual, intellectual, and stimulating topics for you to choose from. Sessions are on Sunday mornings and are open to the public and free of charge.
Classes this year include: Introduction to Judaism with Rabbi Morgen Adult B'nei Mitzvah with Rabbi Morgen & Cantor Dorf Introduction to Hebrew with Cantor Dorf Inspiration from the Lives and Teachings of the Early Chasidic Masters with Rabbi Horwitz How to Build a Jewish Faith with Rabbi Horwitz Click here for the full class descriptions and schedule
Questions? Contact Lisa Unsell at 713.666.1881 for more information.
Beth Yeshurun is joining Faith Organizations across Houston - Muslim, Christian, and Jewish - in a friendly competition to collect food for the Houston Food Bank during National Hunger Awareness Month.
The competition kicks off September 1st and ends on the 30th. We’ll keep track of food collected and post the latest results weekly here on this website. Clergy and educators at the faith centers will provide faith-based messaging about hunger in their communities. Please contribute your non-perishable, not-expired foods throughout the month of September! We will keep you posted on our progress and how we are doing in the "competition"!
We will have donation bins: In the Bender Levy Lobby (the synagogue entrance at the "carpool" lane) In the Administrative Lobby (where the staff and Rabbi's offices are)
Jewish Federation of Greater Houston Community Updates The Jewish Federation of Greater Houston is here to move our community from strength to strength by serving as the leading fundraiser, convener, and connector for our Jewish community. Recently, the Federation completed its 2022 Annual Campaign raising more than $17.7 million to support local organizations and programs as well as efforts in Israel and overseas. The Federation is pleased to announce important ways it is supporting and engaging with the community.
New Community Security Director Hired by the Federation Thanks to the generosity of Joan and Stanford z’l Alexander, the Federation was able to launch Houston’s Jewish Community Security Program and hire its first director. Alfred “Al” Tribble, a former special agent for the FBI with more than 27 years of experience, began in this role in June.
This position supports the entirety of our Jewish community. Tribble will work with leadership at our synagogues, schools, and other Jewish institutions to provide training, do threat assessments, and serve as our community liaison with law enforcement.
Because of the rise in antisemitism and gun violence, including specific incidents in Pittsburgh, Poway, and Colleyville, the Federation has undertaken this effort to help maintain community safety.
The first Town Halls on Security will be held at 7 pm on September 20 at the West Houston Jewish Community Center and on September 21 at The Emery/Weiner School. Community members are invited to attend. To register, please visit . On the website additional information is also available related to online trainings provided by Secure Community Network (SCN).
We invite you to share with us your simchas - births, engagement, weddings, or award and recognitions. Fill our Mazel Tov form with your information a picture and share your great news with the rest of the congregation. Click here to Submit your Simcha!