Join us for a week of programming, prayer, and Jewish learning.
2022 Sisterhood Torah Fund Program & Lunch (Registration Closed) TUESDAY, NOV 15TH 10:30A TO 1:00P
More than 35 years ago women changed the Conservative Movement to become rabbis and cantors in synagogues, and over the years, donors have had an important role in the perpetuity of Conservative Judaism. Join us as we honor this year's Martha Lea Stein Woman of Achievement Award recipients Linda Atzil, Sharon Segal, and Judy Yambra, and hear from guest speaker Steven Sheldon, Local Author and Certified Financial Planner. MORE INFO
YES Field Trip WEDNESDAY, NOV 16TH 8:00A TO 8:00P We are headed to L'Auberge in Lake Charles for the day! MORE INFO
Jewish Meditation Group WEDNESDAY, NOV 16TH 7:00P TO 8:00P Explore tools for mindfulness, find a different way to talk to God, and deepen your prayer with meditation and chantingMORE INFO
ScholarStream Series 2: What's Your Burning Question? WEDNESDAY, NOV 16TH 7:00P TO 8:00P Beginning in Elul and spanning all the way to Shavuot, the Conservative Movement seminaries and institutions are partnering to offer seven series that will bring your community face-to-face with the brightest and most engaging scholars our movement has to offer. MORE INFO
Kids Meals/SEARCH Bags Assembly THURSDAY, NOV 17TH 9:00A TO 10:00A Join Beth Yeshurun Sisterhood and our Social Action team to assemble snack bags for Kids Meals and SEARCH. New volunteers are always welcome to join in this ongoing monthly project We will meet every 3rd Thursday of the month. MORE INFO
The Gathering Place THURSDAY, NOV 17TH 10:00A TO 2:00P The Gathering Place provides a free of charge loving, safe and fun environment for care partners experiencing memory loss due to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stroke or other forms of dementia. A professional staff member attends each Gathering Place to provide expert support and assistance to the volunteers. MORE INFO
J.B. Greenfield Chapel Shabbat Evening Service FRIDAY, NOV 18TH 5:00P MORE INFO
Shabbat Renewal - Grandfriend's Shabbat with the Shidler Family Sermon by Rabbi Brian Strauss FRIDAY, NOV 18TH 6:00P Join us for our weekly Main Sanctuary Service and this week Rabbi Brian Strauss and Cantor Rachel Goldman will bless all grandparents and grandchildren at a special Shabbat Renewal. MORE INFO
J.B. Greenfield Chapel Shabbat Morning Service SHABBAT, NOV 19TH 8:30A MORE INFO Museum Minyan Shabbat Morning Service SHABBAT, NOV 19TH 9:15AMORE INFO
Shabbat Morning Service Bar Mitzvah of Daniel Shidler Sermon by Rabbi Brian Strauss SHABBAT, NOV 19TH 9:30A Join us for our Main Sanctuary Shabbat Morning service. MORE INFO Parsha Study SHABBAT, NOV 19TH 11:30A Weekly Parsha Study following Chapel Shabbat Service. J.B. Greenfield Chapel Mincha/Ma’ariv SHABBAT, NOV 19TH 5:00PMORE INFO
Jewish Learning Project SUNDAY, NOV 20TH 9:00A TO 11:00A The Jewish Learning Project (JLP) is Congregation Beth Yeshurun's Adult Learning Program. Our JLP sessions offer a variety of spiritual, intellectual, and stimulating topics for you to choose from. Sessions are held Sunday mornings and are open to the public and free of charge.MORE INFO
Rosh Chodesh Program - Kislev: Feminine Power SUNDAY, NOV 20TH 4:00P TO 5:30P This month we will explore some examples of powerful women from the Torah as well as ways that we can be powerful in our own lives.Join us each month for a new look at Rosh Chodesh.MORE INFO
Once content has been recorded live, it will be saved on our social media platforms for future access. This means that if you cannot make the time slots noted above, you can still join us to learn and pray.
Please know that your clergy is here for you. To reach out, please e-mail them directly or connect with and we will direct you to a member of our team.
The Women of Congregation Beth Yeshurun Sisterhood cordially invite you to the 2022 Annual Torah Fund Luncheon
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 10:00 am Registration & Conversation | 10:30 am Award Presentation and Program Luncheon to follow
Presentation of the Martha Lea Stein Woman of Achievement Award to Linda Atzil, Sharon Segal, and Judy Yambra. Guest Speaker Steven Sheldon, Local Author and Certified Financial Planner
Rabbi Strauss and Cantor Goldman will bless all grandparents and grandchildren at a special Shabbat Renewal!
Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 4:00pm $18 per program | Open to all Jewish adult women (Bat Mitzvah or older)
We will explore some examples of powerful women from the Torah as well as ways that we can be powerful in our own lives. Join us each month for a new look at Rosh Chodesh. We look forward to exploring new themes each Hebrew month through discussion, speakers, and hands-on activities.
The Jewish Learning Project (JLP) is Congregation Beth Yeshurun's Adult Learning Program. Our JLP sessions offer a variety of spiritual, intellectual, and stimulating topics for you to choose from. Sessions are on Sunday mornings and are open to the public and free of charge.
Classes this year include: Introduction to Judaism with Rabbi Morgen Adult B'nei Mitzvah with Rabbi Morgen & Cantor Dorf Introduction to Hebrew with Cantor Dorf Inspiration from the Lives and Teachings of the Early Chasidic Masters with Rabbi Horwitz How to Build a Jewish Faith with Rabbi Horwitz Click here for the full class descriptions and schedule
Questions? Contact Lisa Unsell at 713.666.1881 for more information.
We invite you to share with us your simchas - births, engagement, weddings, or award and recognitions. Fill our Mazel Tov form with your information a picture and share your great news with the rest of the congregation. Click here to Submit your Simcha!