Join us for a week of programming, prayer, and Jewish learning.
Jewish Meditation Group WEDNESDAY, NOV 30TH 7:00P TO 8:00P Explore tools for mindfulness, find a different way to talk to God, and deepen your prayer with meditation and chantingMORE INFO
ScholarStream Series 4: The Exodus in the Jewish Tradition WEDNESDAY, NOV 30TH 7:00P TO 8:00P Beginning in Elul and spanning all the way to Shavuot, the Conservative Movement seminaries and institutions are partnering to offer seven series that will bring your community face-to-face with the brightest and most engaging scholars our movement has to offer. MORE INFO
Reynolds Elementary Toy Drive - Kicks off Today! THURSDAY, DEC 1ST Help us collect a new toy for every child at Reynolds Elementary! MORE INFO
Tot Shabbat! FRIDAY, DEC 2ND 5:00P Toddlers & Preschoolers join us for a musical Shabbat with Rabbi Sarah Fort and Hailey Arnold, followed by challah and more fun! MORE INFO
J.B. Greenfield Chapel Shabbat Evening Service FRIDAY, DEC 2ND 5:00P MORE INFO
Shabbat Renewal with the Burck & Kagan Families Sermon by Rabbi Sarah Fort FRIDAY, DEC 2ND 6:00P Join us for our weekly Main Sanctuary Service. MORE INFO
J.B. Greenfield Chapel Shabbat Morning Service SHABBAT, DEC 3RD 8:30A MORE INFO Museum Minyan Shabbat Morning Service SHABBAT, DEC 3RD 9:15AMORE INFO
My Shabbat SHABBAT, DEC 3RD 9:30A TO 10:30A An interactive, engaging, and educational Shabbat service for 3rd- through 6th-grade students and their families. MORE INFO Shabbat Morning Service B'nai Mitzvah of Asher Burck & Shira Kagan Sermon by Rabbi Brian Strauss SHABBAT, DEC 3RD 9:30A Join us for our Main Sanctuary Shabbat Morning service. MORE INFO Parsha Study SHABBAT, DEC 3RD 11:30A Weekly Parsha Study following Chapel Shabbat Service. J.B. Greenfield Chapel Mincha/Ma’ariv SHABBAT, DEC 3RD 5:00PMORE INFO
Jewish Learning Project SUNDAY, DEC 4TH 9:00A TO 11:00A The Jewish Learning Project (JLP) is Congregation Beth Yeshurun's Adult Learning Program. Our JLP sessions offer a variety of spiritual, intellectual, and stimulating topics for you to choose from. Sessions are held Sunday mornings and are open to the public and free of charge.MORE INFO
Dr. Elizabeth Bryant Denham: 4-Part Series on The Holocaust SUNDAY, DEC 4TH 11:00A TO 12:00P Join our special guest speaker, Dr. Elizabeth Bryant Denham, for a 4-part series on The Holocaust. In the first talk in the series, we will look at what occurred in Europe in the aftermath of World War I and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.MORE INFO
Pickleball for Jewish Singles over 50 SUNDAY, DEC 4TH 12:00P TO 3:00P Mix, mingle, and play Pickleball - Register to join us for an afternoon of open play!MORE INFO
Bill Meek: Mollie & Louis Kaplan Museum 2022 Speaker SUNDAY, DEC 4TH 4:00P TO 5:30P Bill Meek is the artist behind many of the beautiful glass works throughout our synagogue. Meet Bill and hear about the pieces that he has created. MORE INFO
JFS Houston Shalom Bayit Domestic Abuse Community Awareness Training Event TUESDAY, DEC 6TH 11:00A TO 2:00P CBY is proud to partner with JFS for free virtual workshops open to the General Community and Professionals and Clergy. These events are presented by Lundy Bancroft, an author, workshop leader, and consultant on domestic abuse and child maltreatment. MORE INFO
Once content has been recorded live, it will be saved on our social media platforms for future access. This means that if you cannot make the time slots noted above, you can still join us to learn and pray.
Please know that your clergy is here for you. To reach out, please e-mail them directly or connect with and we will direct you to a member of our team.
We will be collecting from December 1st-18th
This is the third year of our partnership with Reynolds Elementary School. Join us again as we collect enough toys for each child at Reynolds to have a new toy for Christmas.
Please bring an unwrapped toy appropriate for ages 5-11 and drop it off in the toy boxes: In the Bender Levy Lobby (by the synagogue entrance at the carpool lane) In the Administrative Lobby (by the clergy offices) In the BYDS School Lobby
Thanks for your donations!
Friday, December 2nd at 5:00pm!
Toddlers & Preschoolers join us for a musical Shabbat with Rabbi Sarah Fort and Hailey Arnold, followed by challah and more fun! We'll meet in Stein Hall for our musical service and crafts. If weather permits, we will head to the PreSchool playground.
Tuesday, December 6th begining at 11am Open to the General Community and Professionals and Clergy. Workshops are held via Zoom. They are free of charge but registration is required.
We invite you to share with us your simchas - births, engagement, weddings, or award and recognitions. Fill our Mazel Tov form with your information a picture and share your great news with the rest of the congregation. Click here to Submit your Simcha!