Join us for a week of programming, prayer, and Jewish learning.
2023 Summer Juice Box Challenge ALL SUMMER LONG Kids Meals Houston will deliver almost 600,000 meals to preschool children experiencing food insecurity. Help us support Kids Meals with a donation of 100% Juice Boxes! MORE INFO Independence Day - Administrative Offices Closed TUESDAY, JUL 4TH ALL DAY
Better Together: Independence Day Celebration for Jewish Singles Over 50 TUESDAY, JUL 4TH 7:00P TO 10:00P Enjoy fun, food, friends, and fireworks with other Jewish Singles Over 50! MORE INFO
Jewish Meditation Group WEDNESDAY, JUL 5TH 7:00P TO 8:00P Explore tools for mindfulness, find a different way to talk to God, and deepen your prayer with meditation and chanting. MORE INFO
Shabbat Renewal Sermon by Rabbi Sarah Fort FRIDAY, JUL 7TH 6:00P Join us for our Main Sanctuary Shabbat Service. MORE INFO
J.B. Greenfield Chapel Shabbat Evening Service FRIDAY, JUL 7TH 6:45P MORE INFO J.B. Greenfield Chapel Shabbat Morning Service SHABBAT, JUL 8TH 8:30A MORE INFO Museum Minyan Shabbat Morning Service SHABBAT, JUL 8TH 9:15AMORE INFO Shabbat Morning Service Sermon by Rabbi Sarah Fort SHABBAT, JUL 8TH 9:30A Join us for our Main Sanctuary Shabbat Morning Service. MORE INFO Shabbat Shalom SHABBAT, JUL 8TH 10:15A Shabbat Shalom is a Shabbat morning program for young children under 7 years old. Each Shabbat, the children pray, sing, dance, hear stories, and much more! Children under 3 should come with a parent. No need to register!
J.B. Greenfield Chapel Mincha/Ma’ariv SHABBAT, JUL 8TH 8:00PMORE INFO
Once content has been recorded live, it will be saved on our social media platforms for future access. This means that if you cannot make the time slots noted above, you can still join us to learn and pray.
Please know that your clergy is here for you. To reach out, please e-mail them directly or connect with and we will direct you to a member of our team.
We're kicking off the Summer Juice Box Drive!
Beth Yeshurun is supporting Kids' Meals Houston's mission by participating in the 2023 Summer Juice Box Challenge. Purchase juice boxes to be sent directly to Kids' Meals Houston. Use their Juice Box Challenge website and an additional 5% of the retail value will go back to Kids' Meals Houston! Our goal is to provide 2,000 juice boxes! We have met our goal the last 2 years! Help us get there again!
You can participate online or you can also drop off juice boxes in the Administrative Lobby or the Lobby by Friedman Levit Sanctuary through July 31.
Beth Yeshurun Sisterhood and JFS/Celebration Company are partnering for the 10th year to assemble Honey-less Honey Cake Mix. Volunteers of all ages are welcome - teens can get community service hours.
The Celebration Company provides life skills and meaningful employment to individuals with disabilities who, with joy and purpose, provide services and create products that celebrate the good life. We will be assembling 500 bags of the Honey-less Honey Cake Mix and counting on 50 volunteers!
We would love to have you join us in Religious School, Sulam, or Kehillah High for the upcoming year! Registration is completed online by logging in to your account through the membership portal. Details about the program and online registration can be found on the Beth Yeshurun website, or more information, contact Education Director, Sheryl Eskowitz, at or 713-255-8034
We invite you to share with us your simchas - births, engagement, weddings, or award and recognitions. Fill our Mazel Tov form with your information a picture and share your great news with the rest of the congregation. Click here to Submit your Simcha!